La Trobe

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Stress tolerance losses from stabilising selection in a salt lake organism

Version 4 2023-03-01, 23:51
Version 3 2020-09-01, 23:51
Version 2 2020-05-01, 10:57
Version 1 2019-07-15, 01:31
posted on 2023-03-01, 23:51 authored by James O'Dwyer
MMCP Collaboration (MMCP) is a project supported by the Joint State Governments and the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to generate and adopt freshwater ecological knowledge through collaboration, to maintain research capability and contribute supporting science to underpin the Basin-Wide Watering Strategy.

Student support is an important component of MMCP. Postgraduate students carry out high-quality research at a reasonable cost and make an important contribution to the development of aquatic research capability. Student support for this thesis, was provided through the provision of a honours scholarships.

The main objective of this study was to use multiple populations of a salt lake snail (Coxiella striata) from both stable and fluctuating environments to determine if stabilising selection leads to an overall reduction of stress resistances within a population.


Collaborating Institutions

La Trobe University; CSIRO

Research Contact

Michael Shackleton -